Joe Francis Getting RejectedThis video is fun
Joe Francis Getting RejectedThis video is fun
Click on this link to watch the video:[email protected]
This was a great suit in that our client, Jayde Nicole, Brody Jenner’s girlfriend, was seriously injured by the violence of Joe Francis, of Girls Gone Wild. We are pursuing this matter very aggressively. We hope that if Joe truly wants a new public image he will settle the action. click here to view jayde vs. […]
I have attached his proposed plea agreement for your review. (Click here: Francis Plea Agreement.) He got very lucky but there are some consequences. More felonies to his growing rap sheet and more supervised release.
Here is the latest link to a site that covers my action all the time.
Just when I thought I was going to have some fun, Joe Francis settled his lawsuit with my client, BH Construction. I can only say that the matter has been settled to the parties satisfaction. This does not mean that my firm cannot file suit for the numerous other Joe Francis or Girls Gone Wild […]
Early this morning Joe Francis was at it again. He hit Brody Jenner’s girlfriend. He is on federal bond so I don’t know why he would be acting like that. He is a defendant in my BH Construction lawsuit. He may be a defendant in another one soon. Today I am suing a crooked contractor […]
Francis Lose $3M, (Click Link) you can see an article on Joe Francis’s antics at a recent deposition. I am prepared for him to try the same things at my deposition for BH Construction so we will be ready for him.
I was out of town last week and the entire Bannergate erupted. Diary of a Hollywood Streetking did a story on the case that was resolved. Then, someone hired a plane to fly an banner entitled “Reggie Miller Stop Pursuing Married Woman.” Then it was covered by the Daily Mall and a story erupted as […]
I was a process server for five years before I went to law school. I was in the collection business. Serving your own process provides a hands on view of the target’s property, their mannerisms, etc. Today Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis was personally served with one of our client’s complaints against him. We […]
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