Actor Mark Ruffalo's brother, Scott, died after playing Russian Roulette, says murder suspect
Updated Tuesday, December 9th 2008, 7:30 PM

Actor Mark Ruffalo with younger brother Scott, who has died after being shot in the head last week in Beverly Hills. The main suspect says he shot himself playing Russian Roulette.
LOS ANGELES - The woman under arrest for the murder of actor Mark Ruffalo's brother insists Scott Ruffalo shot himself accidentally during a high-risk game of Russian Roulette, her lawyer said in an explosive claim.
"We expect the coroners report to show the shooting was a result of the victim's chronic playing of Russian Roulette and his dangerous playing with firearms while under the use of controlled substances," lawyer Ronald Richards told the Daily News.
"My client was a good friend of the victim and is very sad for the loss of his family. However, she played no role whatsoever in his accidental death," Richards said.
Shaha Adham, 26, surrendered Monday after Beverly Hills police issued an arrest warrant for attempted murder.
Scott Ruffalo, a married hairdresser, died late Monday after he was taken off life support, one week after he was found with a gunshot wound to the head in his Beverly Hills condo. He is the kid brother of "You Can Count on Me" star Mark Ruffalo.
"I can confirm that my client was present when Mr. Ruffalo shot himself," Richards said Tuesday. "She was picking up some keys."
He said the gun belonged to Ruffalo and that Ruffalo was a known cocaine user who had used drugs and played with guns in the past in front of numerous witnesses.
Adham is the daughter of wealthy Saudi businessman Mishaal K. Adham; Richards said he had no information on previous reports that claimed she had ties to Saudi royalty.
Lt. Tony Lee with the Beverly Hills Police Department said he could not comment on Adham's story, citing the ongoing criminal investigation.
Police knew to question Adham because she was on surveillance video at Ruffalo's condominium along with Brian Scofield, 29, a "person of interest" in the case, Richards said.

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